Saturday, February 16, 2008

I can't stop myself....

I just keep on making cards. I really need to take a break to clean or to get back to my scrapping but I just can't! I have too many new stamps and papers and I can't contain myself. Besides that, the occasions just keep coming up!

The color is definitely way off on this. I used SU's Barely Banana and Ballet Blue. The blue is really not that bright!


Theresa said...

I like the top one with the ribbon, and the last one- the tulip is really pretty.

...I laughed at your comment about my spelling-yes I am a bad speller, but I did manage to learn how to spell my name :) My mom had to break it down for me The--& ---resa :)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, these are very pretty! Love the patterned paper on that middle one, too cute :)

Kathy M said...

OOOOh! Love the middle one with the cirle patterns. Great job.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your cards!! Don't stop now!!

Anonymous said...

love all the cards and the color combos !

Anonymous said...

oops, sorry. that was me. above.
"AHTCQ! " ;-)