Tuesday, January 24, 2006

1/2 snow day

It was crazy in work, especially after they said we were closing at 1:00. It was a winter wonderland out my window! So pretty. Anyway, got home and J was snowblowing the driveway. Wasn't feeling well so I made him come in and eat before WE got out to finish the rest. I have two boys but one has a broken elbow and the other was working. So....I shoveled. There went my extra 3.5 hours. I know it didn't take that long but don't know what happened. Got on the treadmill by 5 so I guess that's better than 5:30, right? I had hoped to complete several sb pages (yeah right)!!!

I pulled my things out last night & found two more events for 2001!!! Not too happy. I did complete one 2 pg. and set another out for tonight.

I'm hoping J gets a phone call back today about a job. I can't take the one car family syndrome any more!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MY CAR BACK. I am such a spoiled brat.

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