Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sweeeeeeet emotion......

Ugh, still no word about Friday. I've lost hope. I can see us in a temporary place for a bit.

I thought I'd be ok emotionally because I've been way too busy and way to tired to think about it. I have been looking at things along the way to work that I won't see any more (the pretty ponds and all that). Well...The movers wanted to take whatever we had packed or didn't need today. We have so much stuff, I think we scared them. Anyway, as I was driving out this morning, the trucks were pulling into the neighborhood and I almost started to cry. I'm not an emotional person so I typically only cry when someone dies or watching a sad moving.

The buyers came by last night and we let them look around and ask all kinds of questions. They are first time homeowners and very new to it all. We gave them all kinds of info and our phone numbers in case they have questions and they were grateful. I was telling the wife about the neighbors and Halloween and all the other things and I was feeling sad but I was ok. I'm afraid of what it will be like on Fri. driving out for the last time though.....

This is a driveby photo of one of the ponds I pass. Not great, but you get the idea...


  1. Hang in there! A few weeks is better than a few months. AND, it will make you appreciate your new place even more. ;-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Happy Belated Birthday - my son's birthday was the 22nd, too!

  2. Awww.....i feel for you.
    Its not easy leaving it all behind, you lived there for years and have much memories.
    i am sure you will have a lot of great memories at the new house and will love it just as much in time.
    Change is good and sometimes we need it more than we know. The first place we lived when we got married ,we lived there for 10 years and brought home 3 kids there and have so many memories,i still miss it ,but now i know we made a move for the better and more space lol!
    I am hoping it will go smoothly for you and even if you have to stay in a temp place,just try to make the best of things you cannot possibly change.
    Take care and lmk if you need to chat you should have my email addy from SBA.
