Saturday, October 10, 2009

The road to nowhere...

Our last two nights at the house were awful. We packed until 2:40 on Wed. night and got up at 6:30 for the movers. After the movers left on Thurs., we ran around all day and cleaned that night until 11:30 p.m. and got up at 6:30 for the walk through. We still had to do shower cleaning and pack up the bedding, clothes, etc. and clean out the fridge and pack the cooler. We barely got out the door at 8:45. The buyers and realtor were there. My hubby was locking up the house and said, "goodbye house, we had a lot of good memories here." I just about bawled my eyes out but I held it together. I was so tired, disappointed about our closing on the new house (didn't happen), I just drove out.

Our cars were filled to the brim. I couldn't even see out the back. We had to hang out at my realtors office for a while because we had no home to go to after the closing. We finally found temporary living quarters and got settled in. We could barely make it up the three flights with all our stuff. Had a good night's sleep though. The place is ok but not great. The people I see in the parking lot look a little sketchy but I"m not used to living in the city. The location I wanted was full. Well, this will be our home for at least 6 weeks so I better get used to it.


  1. Oh Michelle I am sure that you felt sad but I am sure that it won't take long for you to have lots of wonderful new memories in your new home. I know it must be disappointing not to move right to the new house but at least you'll get a chance to catch your breath before starting to unpack all your things in the new house! I keep my fingers crossed that it will happen soon for you and your family.

  2. I'm sorry that you are on hold for another 6 weeks. That's awful. It must be a little comforting that you have sold the house and now you can move ahead. Keep good thoughts.

  3. Aww, it had to be so incredibly sad.... I am so sorry that the other house is not ready to close on and that you're in a temporary space. I was really hoping that would not happen. I hope it goes by quickly or maybe something can happen to speed up the new house???? I hope so, just hang in there, and try to get some rest. You sound exhausted and I can imagine just how tired you guys are. {{{big hugs}}}
