Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Don't worry about a thing....

I have been a major worry wart lately. I can't help it. We still do not know if we can close on Fri. It's just ridiculous at this point. I can't do change of address cards at the post office or to my creditors. I'm an organized person who would have taken care of this a month ago. It frustrates me. I don't know if I need temporary living at this point or not. All I know is my movers will be taking everything on Thurs. except our clothes and air mattresses so we can sleep at the empty house for the night. Fri. we will close on our house and be homeless!! We are trying to remain calm but it's very hard.

So....on my way in this morning, the first song that came on was Ziggy Marley's, "Don't Worry About a Thing." Do I take that as a sign it'll all work out?!! It's stuck in my head and it's my new mantra.

On a good note, if and when we ever get into this house, this will be my view.


  1. This looks beautiful! I know it's hard but try not to worry.

  2. Great view, keep us posted. Don't worry too much, everything will work out!

  3. I hate being off balanced too, but i am hoping and praying it will all pull together for you and you will get to enjoy that nice view not to long from now!!
    Take it easy and let us know how it goes!!

  4. OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW !! Its so beautiful ! even the fall colors are starting !!!!

    I am so enthusiastic about you closing this deal. It looks like a scene from a calendar. Yes, its hard not to worry but hopefully things will work out fine. Take care!!! Missing your usual chatter on fb and everywhere else. ;-)

  5. I love Ziggy's wisdom (wish I could follow it myself) and I am keeping you in good, positive thoughts! The view is lovely!

    Hang in there!
