Monday, September 29, 2008

The weekend...

What a weekend! First I went to a Lia Sophia party - got a cute necklace and earrings. After gabbing with friends, I didn't get home until 11:30.

At the crack of dawn, or so it seemed, on Saturday I met up with a bunch of family to participate in the ALS Walk. My sweet uncle bought us all bracelets as a thank you for walking. They all had messages on them and mine says, "An act of kindness is never wasted." I just love the guy and it really breaks my heart he has this horrible disease. wasn't raining when we got there but we were prepared with ponchos and umbrellas. It started to rain pretty hard just as we started to walk. The walk was almost all uphill. It was really rough. There were puddles, mud, crushed apples, potholes, etc. We were soaked right through at the end, sore and exhausted. We headed to Ruby Tuesday for a big lunch and a beer.

The great news is it was the largest walk ever for that location. Over $185K was raised and our little team raised $5K. It was well worth the effort.

Then I had to go home and clean the house to get ready for a Sun. showing. DH and I took off and had breakfast, bought a new wireless mouse, and went grocery shopping during the showing.


  1. So happy for the success of your walk/cause. My heart goes out to your dear uncle, he sounds like such a sweet guy.

    Take care!

  2. oops. that was me ;-)

  3. Such a busy weekend, but it all sounds fun! The walk sounds hard, but you should be so proud and happy of what you guys did, and how it can help. Good for you!

    Hope the showing went well, sounds like you got a lot accomplished while you were out! Fun stuff :)

  4. Michelle you did such a wonderful thing. I know your uncle really appreciated it. How did your showing go?
