Friday, September 26, 2008


Not much going on. Last night I put white paper inside some thank yous and that's about it. I had to make spinach squares for tonight, do laundry so my son could have a clean work shirt, and sit down to Grey's Anatomy at 9. I barely made it. I was up and down during commercials trying to cut the spinach squares after cooling and then packaging them up, cleaning the pan, etc.

I have a busy weekend ahead - Lia Sophia tonight, ALS Walk first thing in the miserably raining morning, clean the house (Sun. showing) and grocery shopping. I hope I can squeeze in some play time because my stamps are calling me!!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hey,its been a while !!
    Thanks for the b'day wish on my blog.And i hope you had a great one yourself!!
    Sounds like you have a full weekend ahead,i do hope you find some fun time though.
    Its been rainy here since yesterday and its expected to last till Sunday ,so i plan to sleep the weekend away.I hate doing anything when its rainy except stay in bed with some tea and a good book or movie.

  2. Hope your weekend is going well! How was the walk? Ugh if it was in the rain. Hope the open house goes well too :)

  3. Hope the walk went well, and the rain didn't damper spirits.

    I did a fundraiser for lukemia a while back, and it made me feel good to be able to raise funds for a good cause.

    I hope your team did well.
