Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One of these days...

I still have not had a chance to play with my new stamps. I got as far as mounting and stamping a few Bellas and colored in a few but that's it!!

I made a bunch of thank yous and I can't post since there are recipients who may read! I finally got those written and addressed last night. I really hope to play tonight.

Last night as I was writing the thank yous, I realized the one I made to look sort of manly for a guy at work was not really that manly. So....my son's band was recording in the next room and most were sitting around waiting for the drum part. I asked one of them to give me an honest opinion. He looked at two that I held up and said, "I like this brown one but then you throw the polka dots in and it becomes female." LOL I remade the card with just a brown background and some blue and yellow. I showed him and he said, "Now that's nice. It looks like a cigar!!" LOL, gotta love those guys!


  1. Yes, guys and their comments...just love them! At least you got an "honest" review...it's hard not making "girly" cards, I know where you are coming from :)

  2. LOL on cigar ;-).

    Just curious, (you don't have to post here), what do your son's band mates call you? Mrs X? mom ? your first name? :-)

  3. haha !! sneaky sneaky ! ;-). .. got the lovely card today. THANKS ! you just made my day.
