Friday, September 05, 2008

Food 4 Thought

I saw this on Stacy's blog over at Exceedingly Mundane (ok, the name just doesn't fit, Stace!).

Food 4 Thought Friday

Do you use a day planner, calendar, notebook, computer program, PDA, lists on some random piece of paper, or just totally wing things to stay organized? Well, let's see...I use a paper calendar at home, a paper calendar at work, a Palm Pilot and Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Am I organized? YES! It just my personality.

What is something that you have too much of? That would definitely be printed papers that are now ugly and a bunch of stickers from the CM scrappin days!!

What is one of the most important qualities you need in a friend? Someone who is trustworthy and can have fun & laugh with me.

Midnight Snack
Describe yourself using only three adjectives.

Honest, friendly & picky (again, it's my Virgo personality).

Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)

Eat, exercise and be happy! (ok, I did the eat part so far)

Let me know if you decide to play!


  1. Oooh, fun, I'm glad you played along! It doesn't surprise me that you're organized - all the best people are! LOL! I can totally relate to the old paper and stickers thing. I have a PSB full of old stickers. I seriously need to make myself just get rid of them.

    Oh, and the last one was THE BEST! I love that you did the eat part. Yumm-o on the seafood, and I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who stayed away from the evil treadmill :)

    Have a good day and a great weekend!

    P.S. Yep, my blog name fits me and my life, very boring, very mundane :) You're sweet though!

  2. I loved reading this-and the last one was my favorite. I definitely would join you in the eating part too!

  3. OMG! Your comments on my blog made me actually laugh out loud! I guess I could be your friend, I would laugh with you, cry with you, drink with you, shop with you, no, we better draw the line there. I get in enough trouble on my own, lol!
    Love ya
