Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bzzzzzz....busy as a bee....

Nothing new to post. I made a quick card last night while my son's band practiced in the room next to me for the last time! I'm very excited they'll have a practice space that suits them and us much better! I will miss seeing their faces though. And now I have no excuse for the treadmill during the week.

I'm busy as a bee at work and I hardly have any time so I may be MIA for a bit.


  1. Yeah for the new practice space, I bet you're going to love the peace and quiet! :)

    I can't hear you, something about a treadmill? Lalalalalalala!

  2. Wow, my DH will be jealous-he would love practice space.

    Ugh, used to have a treadmill but it became a very large dust bunny.
