Sunday, September 07, 2008

Metal Heads...

We survived the heavy metal concert the other night. It was good to see my son and the guys up there. It was pretty loud but not half as loud as in the other area. It was really heavy music and I felt weird in a crowd of metal heads. They all had black on with lots of silver chains, piercings, tattoos, etc. I did see a couple of older folks there and assume their kids were playing as well.

I tried to get photos but I'm just not a good photographer. It was so dark but yet there were lots of lights - mostly colored. My camera didn't respond well to that. Not only that but the kids got right up to the stage so I had heads in the way. Don't be alarmed by the tattoo faces. It just looks that way. Must be the grainy photos that I had to lighten up.

Anyway, we hung out while they were loading the cars up in the pouring rain and we talked to the guys. They told us we would miss them now that they have a practice space. We'll see...I won't miss the noise but I really will miss seeing all of them twice a week. My dh said he hopes they make it big and mention us as it all started in our basement...

The ride home was awful with the pelting rain and flooding on the highway. We had to go about 40-45 miles an hour. I was so nervous that the guys would have some issues. I was very happy to hear from ds that he was home safe. The sweetest thing was the text message that said "Thanks again for supporting us."

Here he is setting up. They had 7 minutes to get on the stage and 7 minutes to get off!

He has a pick in his mouth for some reason. His beautiful gf is to the right. We just love her!!


  1. I'm sure they are really thankful for your support. Not a lot of parents give kids that option. I do hope they make it really BIG !!!! and when they do, I hope I can hear the songs they play too :-) ...

  2. My folks support my brother and his band when they can...he always appreciates it. Someday I hope to see him live...before he makes it big (wink!)

  3. You are a good mom and how great that ds let you know that he appreciates your support.

    Next, you will have to upload some music so we can hear him play! :)

  4. How fun...and how nice that you guys support him.

    Love your cards keep them coming!! :o)
