Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ask and you shall receive...

Ok, too funny. I almost never go out for lunch any more. I occasionally sit outside and read but hardly ever shop these days due to lack of cash. So today I decided to take a run through Walmart just for yucks. I ended up buying some white chocolate Reeses cups - NOT good for my diet. White chocolate is my favorite.

I decided to go next door to a nice Hallmark gift shop because they just remodeled. There at the door was a bin of books for a BUCK! So I browsed through and bought two of them. One is L'Affaire by Diane Johnson (I think I read L'Divorce and thought it was funny). The other is Emily's Reasons Why Not by Carrie Gerlach. It sounded like a funny one. Maybe not the best choices but I needed a cheap break from mysteries.


  1. Hope they are enjoyable! Glad you found a cheapy spot for some books!

  2. Those both sound pretty awesome to me, you can't beat chocolate combined with cheap books! I have been buying a few books lately, not like I need to (or have room to put them in a bookcase, I've been stacking them in a chair and a corner of my bedroom lately!). Books and chocolate and coffee are some of my most favorite pick-me-ups! :)
