Friday, September 12, 2008

Fill 'er up...

I just filled up with gas at 3.51/gallon for FULL serve! Gotta love it. The station is right down the st. from me and they are so good to us. They used to let my son fill up and I'd stop by on my way home to pay them. Now they let my youngest take dh's credit card and fill up. So, all that to say I support them whenever I can and I love it when I don't have to get out of the car and pump my own gas!! Their prices are beating some of the self serves. I hope the prices keep coming down.

Anyway, I had nothing else to blog about so there you go. I hope to make some decent cards this weekend and post. I haven't been happy with mine. I'm in a slump. Have a nice weekend!!


  1. Yey on the gas prices going down. Ours are just slightly below $4 but at least it went down from $4.50. I usually fill up the tank when its half full so I don't get to feel that full price on getting a "full tank" ;-).

    Hope to see more of your cards next week.

  2. Wow, we pay almost $4 a gallon here and it just went down about 25 cents!

  3. That's great! I would love to have someone fill up my tank once and awhile!

    It is about 3.49 here.

  4. Wow, they are skyrocketing here, the gas prices! With Ike in the gulf, the stations here starting asking people to a) voluntarily just get 10 gallons or less or b) they just raised them 20 or 30 cents in a 24 hour period. We topped off one of our vehicles last night, and drove to Sam's Club where we got it for 3.59. We passed stations that ranged from 3.69 to 3.93. I hope we don't have the same problems just finding gas, like we did after Katrina. It was madness, lines stretching for miles and if you made it to the pump, they were out. Days and days of that, very difficult.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. I wish our gas price was going down!!! Its back up to $4.19... so glad I filled up on Friday before the hike at $3.88!
