Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moving ahead...

Ok, we have a possibility or two on the house situation. We are still waiting for our home inspection results (water & radon tests). Things are moving ahead, I hope!

I am also getting ready for the grad. party this weekend. We have such a busy weekend! First a 30th bday party, then my son's party, then our good friends' son's party (also a friend of my son).

Calgon, take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. too funny on the smoooching/lipstick comments from you ladies! and another comment - when I don't wear lipstick, people ask me if I feel ok. Yep, just no lipstick today. Some day I'm going to get them tinted!!


  1. Hope your inspections go well.
    Also try to have some fun this weekend,sounds like alot of partying going on!!

  2. No ...didn't get the SU Fresh Cut set,still working on the order,didn't decide all i wanted yet lol.

  3. have fun at the party !!! don't forget your friends marga and rita ;-) !!!

    ps. hope your inspection results go well.

  4. Ooh, you've found a house, that's great! Hope the inspections come back good on yours and things are looking up. I cant' imagine how stressful it all is. And what a weekend coming up -busy but fun! Have a great time :)

  5. Maia, you crack me up! Don't you worry, I won't forget my good friends! LOL

  6. Maybe its that I am getting older, but I think I have a calgon take me away moment at least twice a day--if only:)

    Good luck on all the inspections.

    Have fun partying:)

  7. Hey, happy inspections-I am sure it will all go well.

    Sometimes a little lipstick can brighten up those Calgon moments.

    Good luck with the party-definitely have a margarita or two-yum!
