Thursday, June 19, 2008

No news is good news....

Hmmmmm...I somehow don't believe it in this case. We still have not had our test results on water/air. We had to extend the date to sign a p&s. Don't know what is up there.

So starting tonight I'll be like a maniac - cleaning the house (small task since we've had to keep it immaculate); food shopping; starting to make foods that can be done ahead, etc.

My question of the day is: Do you clean your floors before a party? I used to but a few years back I decided why bother?! You end up having to do it again the next day anyway.

This is the first time we are having a party with hardwood floors. It should be interesting how dirty they get! What's really nice is we have the weekend of from showings. YAY!!!!! I can hang my towel on the rack!


  1. I wouldn't worry too much about the results being back in yet, probably just slow and red tape and all that.

    Hooray for the party! I still don't have hardwood floors, but I know what you mean about cleaning beforehand. I still do it, mostly because we have a dog that stays in the kitchen/breakfast room/laundry (where there's tile), so I clean there daily. But I hear ya, you have to clean even more afterwards, so why bother!

    Have fun :)

  2. I have hardwood on the main floor and if its noticeable dirty i'll clean before the big event,otherwise it'll stay that way till after the party and then get a good cleaning!!

  3. I do clean my floors if I can before people come over. It's tricky with two little boys who like to travel with drinks and snacks.

    Plus our floors get pretty dusty out here-we have laminate, so I like to try and get under the furniture and tables too.

    Good luck and have fun with party preparation! Put on some good tunes and clean away!

  4. Oh, have fun at your party and if your floors don't look dirty, I'd leave them until after the party!

  5. for me it would be light cleaning the floors before, then thorough cleaning after the party.

    ps. i have dsl at home now ;-). whooo hoo...

  6. btw, congrats to your ds for graduating!!!
