Monday, April 21, 2008

Just another day...

Ok, I thought I'd get a closet or two cleaned out today, some regular cleaning I didn't finish yesterday and then have some play time.

I had a temporary crown inserted last week and it popped out the other night so I have a dentist appt. at noon, right smack in the middle. I can't run around cleaning and get all sweaty if I have to go to the dentist. I'm doing some light cleaning (as you can see while I'm posting - hehe) and I'll have to tackle the rest later.

This always happens when I get an "extra" day to take care of things. It blows by like it was only two hours long....


  1. I hate when the unexpected happens..........oh well ,sometimes it can't be helped.Hope you get stuff done after the dentist!

  2. Ugh on the crown, hope it's better now. How are those closets coming?! :)

  3. If only the work days would go by at the same warp speed...
