Monday, April 21, 2008

I need some color!!

Thought I'd post a card or two for some color on my oh so boring blog!!

This one was made for a vellum challenge for my card group. I got the idea a long time ago from a Take Ten (I think?) and I've used it quite a bit to use up some scraps (see? I'm recycling here). I don't remember when I became a fan of orange. I never used to like it but I bought a pack of SU Pumpkin pie and I've been hooked since.

Well, I guess that's it. I can't find the other two on my computer. They're probably at work!!!


  1. I love what you did with the vellum....great way to recycle!!

  2. Beautiful! My friend Tina designed my blog and she is going to set up a blog just for her designs. Go to my blog and click on Golden Goodness under my friends.

  3. This one is cute too! You do a great job!

    Debbie pointed me in your direction...let me know if you're interested in a new look for your blog. :)

  4. Oooh, I like it, I used vellum on my dd 18th b-day invites. I don't use it much but maybe I should since I have some in my stash.Good job.

  5. you *ALWAYS* make great cards !!! bow bow bow ...

    you should see the pathetic makings of a card I started for Bernie ... I sliced the card wrong again. ;-) (wrong size) and then after I redid it I couldn't find the right pps to match the cs after spending like 30 mins looking through my stash ... I just gave up ;-)

  6. That is too cute for words! You should work for a card company or something, girl! :) Love the name, Pumpkin Pie, too, hehehe. If you include food somehow, you're sure to snag me :)
