Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If you don't have anything nice to say....

My mom always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Please think good thoughts for me. I'm having a rough time at the moment so I'm not going to say anything (ds related). I'll just do what I always do, post a card!!

I made this for an online friend. I hope she got it and is doing ok. I keep meaning to pick up the phone and call but I just never seem to get there these days.

p.s. I know I'm supposed to tell you that the dp and cs is SU. Not sure about the image. I got it in a swap and I think it may be Amuse.


  1. Thinking happy, positive thoughts for you, and saying a little prayer too, Michelle. Hope things are looking happier soon :)

    Cute card too, I can't believe how many wonderful cards you make!

  2. Since you make such adorable cards, you should get involved in this good mail blog that I just signed up for.


  3. I have them days where I almost have to bite my tongue off, too. I always think of Thumper(From the Disney moive) and him repeating what his momma said...if u cant say sumfin nice dont say nuffin at all.

    Hugs to you...

  4. Hang in there. I always remind myself: This too shall pass.
