Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a few more...

Things are a little better today but nothing new to post about.

Made this for my dh's cousin. Unfortunately we can't make the party. I have to work at Commencement that day/afternoon.

This was for another online friend. I think I used Junkitz paper on both. Some day I'll run out of this and not know what to do! LOL I used Hero Arts stamp & bling on this and SU Pumpkin Pie paper (just for you Stacy! ;-)


  1. Good golly, these are just too cute for words! I especially love the colors in that second one, hehehe! I really think you should be a card designer for Hallmark or somewhere, you are SO good at these :)

  2. your cards are way too cool !!!
    love the colors !!!

    btw, were you able to delete what you needed from blogger ?

  3. I love this little cupcake card. So sweet! I'm enjoying your cards!
