Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hanging with the girls...

I spent my day hanging out with my aunts & cousins. We had a nice welcome back to the two who spend the winter in FL. It's so nice to have them back. My aunts are so much fun to be with. They're all young minded (and also young in age - one who is 9 mos. older than me).

It turned out to be a gorgeous day weather-wise so we sat on the deck for a while. I'm so happy spring is really here.

I'm really happy to have tomorrow off. I need to clean a closet or two but then I'm going to play in my scrap room.


  1. Glad you had a nice day with your aunts.
    I had a quiet day at home ,but it was raining all day so we couldn't go to the park as planned.
    Try to have some fun on your day off!!

  2. Lucky you. You have a scrap "ROOM". I have a scrap "Corner". My friends and I get together twice a month at our church and scrap together. It's nice to get out of the house and time to work on my hobby.

  3. Sounds like a good day, good company and nice weather. A bit of chocolate would have made it perfect, LOL! :)

  4. oooohhhh...I wanna come sit on the deck too. Isnt it wonderful?
