Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A bundle of emotions...

I am so SU order is in and I'm picking it up on the way home. I bought lots of cs, several ink pads & markers, etc.

Yesterday I bought a pretty Penny Black floral stamp (gossamer) and went to use it last night. It is defective. The middle of the flower will NOT stamp, no matter what. I've never had that happen before. Anyway, took it back to the lss today and they'll reorder. They let me keep the stamp to play. I'll have to fill in the middle of the flower with something in the meantime though. I also bought a pretty Artful Stamper floral stamp (go figure).

So I'm really excited about playing with my new stuff and also about my upcoming crop this weekend at SBA.

What I'm not excited about (and very nervous about) is putting our house up for sale and finding a new home. I'm sad but also excited to be moving on. I'm stressed just thinking about the cleaning out closets and all that and moving. I haven't moved in almost 13 years. Yikes....


  1. Ooh, new cardstock and pretties, how fun :) Have fun stamping and scrapping. Is this weekend the big cyber crop at SBA?

    Wow on the new house! We're wanting to move sooner or later also, and I have lived here 15 years. I can't even imagine the packing and cleaning I'll have to do. I've started trying to do more decluttering and cleaning out (I try to do some every spring or fall), and it gets overwhelming. I can't wait to hear more about how you cope and what you do and what you find, I'll be going through it sooner or later and maybe I can learn something from you! :)

    Have a great day girl!

  2. oohhh, enjoy your goodies !!! touch them, smell them hehe ...

    Good luck on selling your home! We're still living in our first home so I don't have any experience in selling. I am sure it is stressful with all the prep, cleaning and declutter you need to do to make your home look super spacious.
