Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My bad....

Just haven't been able to get on to update. I had yesterday off (dental appt. for ds, mtg. w/realtor). My dh took me to my favorite sub shop. I had the BEST Italian sub. The hot peppers are in relish form, pickles and tomatoes are diced, the rolls are the best, salami and other meets are so fresh. YUM. I told dh I could start my diet now. hehe

Today I walked into a hornets nest. My desk has had a huge amount of traffic today!!

Thought I'd just post a quick hello and two cards I made for my card group using sketches.


  1. Nice cards and a belated Happy Birthday to your son. I love the pictures of him as a younger boy!! Too cute.

  2. nice cards !! I think I like the 2nd one the most.

  3. Love these cards! What card group is this for?
