Thursday, April 10, 2008

Not enough play time...

Got home late from work because I stopped to get my SU stuff and ended up yacking with my reps. They are so good to me. They cut a bunch of paper and put it through their new Cuttlebug folders so I have a big stack of really cute backgrounds!!

I was so excited my punch came in! Now I can get started on the baby shower favors.

I love the papers I ordered. I put some in my organizer and put the rest away. I tried out my new set briefly but I ran out of time. I put my stamp pads, markers and all that away, nice and neat. Here's a photo of my "schlock", as my good friend would say.


  1. Ooh, fun! Look at all of that great new stuff :) Have fun with it, girl!

    P.S. How do you have your cardstock stored? I am trying to get back to my scrap area and organize stuff. I think I need some more holders for my cardstock. There's too many inches and feet to mention :)

  2. oohh ... lotsa good stuff for you to play with !!!

  3. I am finding your blog very dangerous to read. LOL
