Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's doing it again....

I seriously didn't mean for it to LET IT SNOW this many times. I'm sick to death of it. We are supposed to get another 4-6 inches today. I'm never using that saying on my Christmas cards again!

I'm also getting tired of the view. I have a couple of windows I can shoot from that don't have screens. I try not to get the neighbors' houses in the pictures so they always look the same.

It's coming down really fast. It went from this:

to this in 20 min.:

Happy New Year!


  1. Bummer! We have a lot still on the ground because it's been so cold. Suppose to get a heat wave this week with highs in the upper 40's. WooHoo!

  2. We didn't get any snow yet and was hoping for some on Christmas.
    Its gonna be really cold this week,so we'll see.

  3. awww but doesn't it look pretty :) you can tell I live in CA-- I do remember liking the first big snow storm, and then yes wanting it to be done with and warm again.

    Hope you had a happy new year.

  4. Wow, so much snow! My mom left to go back to NY on Monday and she said today they got 2 inches.

    We are taking the boys up to northern AZ on Thursday and we are hoping for some snow to show them.

  5. oh, brr .. when we spent a few days in the mountains, though it was fun, I was relieved not having to put on my snow boots on the way home. :-). I know what you feel.

  6. Yuck, yuck and more yuck! We keep getting dumped on too! It will get warm, melt most of it away and the next morning we will be buried.. Ugh!

  7. Wow! That's quite a bit of accumulation!
