Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cute little doggie....

My son came to borrow my car for his move tomorrow and brought his little dog, Reese. She's so adorable. I bought this sweater for her for Christmas.

It's kind of weird. I am so anti-pets. I sit on the floor and pet this one and talk to her. We have this little connection, I guess. My son cannot believe it!

There will definitely be some Reese layouts in my future!


  1. Your title cracked me up, because I remember not too long ago you were blogging how you were not too found of dogs:) I see this one has won you over-- I guess your BARK was just all show!!

    but I do agree that is a cute doggie :)

  2. arf arf :-) .. cute outfit.

  3. What kind of dog is that? I think it's cute when they get all dressed up.

  4. That is one stylish pup! I am not a pet person either, but I love being an "aunt" to other people's pets!

  5. Cute doggie! Love the sweater!
