Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year....

Happy New Year to my fellow bloggers! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays.

Our New Years Eve was fun. We went to a neighbors house and had Chinese food, martinis, margaritas, champagne and played games. There was no karaoke this year which wasn't a bad thing. I cannot sing but I forget that fact after a couple of drinks.

Anyway, had a very low key day yesterday. Today the diet begins.. I put on way too many pounds over the holidays. South Beach, here I come!

I really need a new profile photo. Have to think about that one.


  1. unfortunately I don't need any drinks to do karoke- so I can't blame my bad singing on something.

    Sounds like a fun New Years, hope your 2008 is great!

  2. I love to do karaoke !!! but of course, the house pet howls with me.

  3. Sounds like a fun night! Happy New Year!
