Thursday, January 03, 2008

No skirts for me this week....

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! It was 4 degrees when I left the house today. It's supposed to get up to a whopping 15. I know I've been complaining but I think I'd rather have snow at this point! I hope this doesn't last long.

On a different subject, I seriously need a new photo (I'm repeating again) but I cannot take a photo of myself. I've tried. I just want a portion of my face. Maybe I'll get dh or ds to take one later. I don't like looking at my face any more than I like hearing my voice on voice mail!! I mean, do I really sound like or look like that?!!

I need to find something more interesting to blog about....


  1. I don't like looking at my face either that's why it's not on my blog except for the very first page. If I put a picture of myself it would be of the back of my head!

  2. I know it-I finally broke down and put my mug on the blog because DH continues to make a huge deal over it.

    If I lived closer, I'd say we should gather our fellow blog pals for a blog portrait photo shoot. That would be fun!

  3. I am very particular about the pictures I keep of myself- my hubby always tells me don't delete them until after he see's them- since I am very quick on the delete button.
