Friday, December 07, 2007

The stockings were hung, well...not really....

When our kids were little, we started a tradition (or continued one) on the stocking delivery.

Santa always left DH's family stockings at the foot of their beds. The child would have fun ripping through it and playing with whatever they got. That would delay the trip into their parents' room for the rest!

We thought it was a good idea too. Up until last year, we carried on the tradition. It was a completely different year last year....maybe that'll be tomorrow's memory.


  1. How cool is that? What a great tradition!

  2. I am enjoying reading your traditions- yest that sounds like a great idea, and what fun waking up to stockings at your feet.
    Enjoy the holiday season!

  3. I love this tradition! Wish I would have thought of this for my boys. For us ~ they are allowed to get into their stockings if we aren't up yet, but that's it. These days I am always up before any of them, so I get to finally watch them get into their stockings.

  4. Ooh, I like that tradition! We had a boring, get up, open stockings first, then presents, tradition. Nothing cool and inventive like yours!

    I actually posted a QOTD today about stockings, neat to see other people's ways of doing it and traditions :)
