Friday, December 07, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Seventy One

What was the last game you purchased?

Gee, I have no clue! Well, I have the game Clue but...I honestly can't remember that far back. It was probably Scattegories many yrs. ago!

Name something in which you don’t believe.

I'm not a big believer in fortune tellers/readers.

If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?

I'd love to work for George Clooney. Of course, I wouldn't get much done, but I know he'd be a nice guy!

Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?

I learned not to steal at a young age. My mom would NOT buy me a pack of gum when I was little. She didn't allow us to chew gum because she didn't want to ruin our teeth. So.....I decided to pocket it instead. When we got home and she discovered it, she marched me right back to the store and made me apologize to the mgr. It was not worth the pack of gum! LOL

Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.

While not perfect, I do love my porch. It has a nice relaxing watery green/blue color with lots of windows that face the woods. The furniture is really comfy and I love to just sit and read in there during the summer or early fall. It would have been perfect if we purchased the hot tub that the room was built for but now we are moving.


  1. Happy Feast Day. Sounds like a great room to me. WITHOUT the Hot-Tub!

  2. We have the same salad! I think he would be great to work for too! :)

    And your dessert sounds lovely! :) Happy happy Friday!

  3. I need that kind of room here at home !!! :-). .. ooh, having a hot tub would've been great too ... can I get Fabio to serve me iced tea ? hehe

  4. Great feast, love the salad

  5. What a wonderful feast and I think I'll join you for dessert...

  6. Your porch sounds so cozy!! Happy Friday!!

  7. your porch sounds like a nice place for relaxation and yah George Clooney is definitely hot!hehehe!

  8. Great feast! I loved your salad ;) Thanks for dropping by

  9. Your porch sounds like a lovely place I would love to be during warm days. Good luck on your move! Thank you for stopping by! *smiles*

  10. I've done your main course. I was 4 or 5 and my parents wouldn't let me have a candy bar. So, I stole it. My dad found out and drove me 12 miles back into town where I had to say I'm sorry. My dad paid for the candy bar and then threw it in the trash at the store. I was crying my eyes out, and no it wasn't worth it. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  11. ooh, I would love to sit on your front porch!! What a great feast this week.

  12. Oh dear, my uncle had a similar experience as a young boy. He stole LifeSavers and handed them to the store manager in tears. Great feast!

  13. I think I could work for George Clooney too...he's pretty easy on the eyes ;)

  14. I think you would change your mind if you met my step mother in law who finds missing people. She has an amazing gift. Have a terrific weekend. George Clooney? Work? I think that would be more like fun. LOL.

  15. Great feast!! I could work for George too!!! Have a great weekend!

  16. Hi! Great dessert!Thanks for joining my feast earlier!

  17. Great feast! Hope you have a great weekend!!

    Jennifer :-)

  18. Great feast- I liked the thought you wouldn't get alot done with George around LOL.
    Sometimes learning the hard way makes things stick-I bet you never stole a pack of gum again!
    Have a great weekend!
