Thursday, December 06, 2007

Older memory.....

My mom has a large family and I have a lot of cousins. We're all very close because our mom's (7 sisters) always brought us together. So.....with that said.....

When I was little, we used to go to my grandparent's house for Christmas day. The first thing we would do is run down to the basement. Theirs was finished off. So the reason we ran down those stairs was to see if our grandfather got coal in his stocking.

He would always tease by saying that Santa was a big fat...and then he'd cover his mouth as we all gasped. He wouldn't finish the sentence most times. Once in a while he'd say slob. We just could not believe that he'd say such things!!

Of course, he ALWAYS got coal and nothing else in his stocking.

We still laugh about that with my cousins.


  1. That is a good memory! Isn't it funny how we remember the times when someone older teases us like that! lol

  2. So funny, and what a great prankster your grandfather was. Great story, warms my heart to hear stories of people who make the holidays special!

  3. How fun! What a great memory for all of you too! Those grandfathers are something else.

  4. I love when an old old memory just pops randomly into my head
