Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas memories....

I want to be positive on this blog so I'm ignoring the bad stuff for now.

What I wanted to do is post a Christmas memory each day of December. I know I'm a few days late but I thought I'd start today anyway, in random order.

When we lived in PA, the Fire Dept. used to have Santa on the fire engine each Christmas Eve. He traveled throughout the town, waving at the kids as he went by.

I used to tell the boys the could see Santa and then they'd have to get ready for bed because he'd be coming shortly.

So we would get the boys Little Tikes chairs out and sit them at the storm door with coats ready. When we started to see the flashing lights around the corner, we'd put the jackets on and run out to wave. My boys really enjoyed this as they were pretty young (from 4-8 yrs. for my oldest and infant to 4 yrs. for my youngest).

I have photos of them from the back. I wish I had them electronically to share! It was so cute, just the two of them sitting on their little chairs, waiting for Santa. I did scrap this by the way!

Feel free to play along. I would love to read about your holiday memories.


  1. I am with you on this one. I posted my fave memory on my blog. Hope things get on the upside for you. take care.... hugs.

  2. That's a nice memory. Glad you shared.

  3. Thanks for the prompt! I will go post mine on my blog too

  4. Aww, what a great memory! I don't think I've ever heard of this... if they've done this around here, I've never heard of it, but it's a cute idea!

    We had a weather man on one of the three local TV channels when I was growing up. He'd do a Santa Tracker thing on Christmas Eve, to show us how close Santa was. I knew I had to get into bed after that, because he was getting close!

  5. Holiday memories are so fun, and what a cute one you shared.

    Yes the two chairs with excited boys awaiting santa, sounds like a definite scrap op to me.

  6. I loved reading about your grandfather's stocking full of coal & your memory of your boys when they were little, waiting for santa. You've inspired me to blog!

    Hugs, Kimi
