Monday, December 10, 2007

More memories.....

When I was younger (actually up until my Grandfather passed away), my whole family on my Mom's side would go to my Grandparents on Christmas Day. There were probably about 25-30 of us. We would all be sitting around the kitchen table nibbling on whatever Nana put in the middle. We all brought stuff and there was enough for an army.

What was really funny is, the majority of us would be in the kitchen. You could barely make it out for the bathroom or to check on the little ones. If you got up, someone would steal your seat. The motto in our family is "Move your feet, loose your seat!" The rest of the house was empty except the finished basement where the kids were.

The adults would all eventually move downstairs for gift opening (sometimes a Yankee Swap). My Grandfather always played the organ and the kids would sit on the bench and around him and sing.

Those were some of the best days of my life, just being surrounded by my family. I seriously missed all that when we moved away. I'm so thankful we came back so that my kids could experience it.

I really wanted to post photos but I didn't have time to dig. (***Edited: Finally got a couple to scan. The first is my grandfather playing the organ and the second is me and my mom sitting at the kitchen table).
Thanks to everyone who is playing along. I just love reading about your memories!!


  1. Sounds like our family growing up. I too miss that, but my mom and aunt had a falling out several years ago and we haven't had contact with that "big" side of the family in a long time. I learned to play tarot that way. If an adult got up from the table to get a drink/go to the bathroom/check on a kid, one of us would sit down and we would play.

  2. My grandma used to have a poem hanging up in her kitchen -No matter where I serve my guest they seem to like my kitchen the best.

    I love those big family pow wow's in the kitchen-yes some of the funniest times in my life.

  3. what a special memory ! I only got to meet 1 grandpa (dad's dad).

  4. That sounds like my husband's mom's family, growing up. They spent every holiday with her family of 7 siblings, their kids and grandkids. Just 50-75, no biggie!

    Loved reading about it and the photos too, I just love the one of him playing the organ and the kids crowded around :)
