Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Matching pajamas......

I came across this photo last night and remembered how cute the boys always looked in their matching pjs. This particular Christmas was Dick Tracy. There were many shots like this (Superman, Ghostbusters, you get the picture). It wasn't always easy finding matching ones because they're four years apart.

I really miss those days. The boys would watch Santa go down the street in the fire engine, take a nice bath and get into their new pjs. They'd get to open one present, have a little time to play, and then it was bed time. They were so excited, they could hardly stand it!


  1. Cute picture and what wonderful happy memories. :) Would you trade them now for those days?! LOL!

  2. Matching PJ's are so cool- at least for the younger child because they get to look like their big sis or bro. Can you tell I was the younger sister?

    I am enjoying reading about your Christmas memories and very cute picture.

  3. awww .. such cutie patooties ;-) ...

  4. See, that looks like a ton of fun. Being an only child...there wasn't a matching pj tradition, unless you counted my imaginary brother with no bones.....

    So, I have started that tradition with my boys and let me tell you that finding matching pjs in their size that I liked was really challenging! I finally found two cute pairs at Costco in Carter's brand.

    Love the picture! I hope you are doing well!
