Thursday, November 08, 2007

Back to work...

I can't say it's good to be back. I'm pretty tired still and not feeling 100% but the sore throat and headache are gone.

DH's job seems to be going well so far. We haven't had a lot of time to chat about it but he's coming home smiling and has a lot of energy. I want the paychecks to come in!! hehe

After being out for 1 1/2 day you'd think I'd be full of energy!

I totally forgot to bring my camera card to post a card I made the other day. Tomorrow is another day....although we may have a wake to go to. I need to check the obits for my dh's uncle.

more later...

1 comment:

  1. Glad the sore throat and headache are gone, but sorry you're still not 100%. Going to work will probably wear you out, so get some rest when you can.

    Feel better soon!

    Oh, and glad to hear the new job is going well. Yeah for a happy DH!!!
