Wednesday, November 07, 2007

quick post...

I'm home sick today and my mom is too. She has a bug. I think mine is allergies but can't tell (sore throat, headache, tired). My mom is NEVER sick so I was worried until she came down today. She didn't get out of bed from 11 a.m. until this morning. I asked if she wanted anything to eat or drink but she said no. She is starting to feel a little better today.

Here's a get well I made for my uncle after his surgery. I hope I didn't already post this!


  1. Hope you both are feeling better. Like the card too.

  2. Hey, that sounds like my mom. If she is sleeping in or doesn't go to work (never happens) then I KNOW she is really not well.

    Hope you both are on the mend and feeling better quickly!

    Your cards are the best! My sister-in-law will like the boat.

  3. As a matter of fact I do like the boat- it reminds me I haven't been sailing in a while!

    I hope both you and your mom are feeling better- I hate being sick and I am definitely no fun to be around when I am.

  4. Hope you both feel tons better soon. Drink lots of liquids :)

    Love that card, just beautiful!
