Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday's Feast One Hundred Sixty Eight

Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies?

Let me first say that I never go to the movies for one simple reason....I fall asleep. So the last movie I saw was The English Patient. When I used to go to th4e movies with my kids, I would always get popcorn. I always had a hand full of mini reese's cups or swedish fish in my pocket for dessert!

What year did you start using the internet? Oh boy, my memory is bad. I will guess at 1998? It could be a year earlier but I honestly don't remember.

What is your first name in Pig Latin? (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!) Ichellemay, I think!

Main Course
Name something you are picky about.

This is a toughy. Let me first say that I am a Virgo and one of the pickiest people around. I am picky about how clean the house is or where something is placed, I'm picky about the messy office if someone has left a mess, etc. I'm also picky about how perfectly straight things need to be on my cards and layouts. I am picky about how my laundry is done. I could go on and on. Wait - I already did!!! Let's just say, I love things to be just perfect.

Fill in the blanks: I did yoga-lates yesterday and I am sore today.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I hate going to the movies, because well lets face it I talk too much and can't shut up during a movie :D

    Thanks for stopping by!!

    Happy Feasting.

  2. Your dessert would make me sore too. Good feast!

  3. I don't have kids but it sure is tough when I see other mommies or daddies with their kids in the cinemas.


  4. Happy Feast Day! I tried Yoga ONCE. It's not designed for trolls.

  5. Great feast!! I hope your soreness goes away soon for you.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I am hoping to get a yogalates DVD for christmas, it sounds really good. Great feast and thanks for stopping by mine. BTW wine gums are like gum drops I would guess.

  7. Great feast! :) Well ... your cards and layouts are beautiful ... so it's good that you are picky! :) Happy happy Friday!

  8. Great feast Michelle! What is swedish fish?

    Thanks for stopping by my feast! (and for telling me my goof up on my piglatin name). I was half asleep last night or should I say early this morning, when I typed it in.

  9. I fall asleep too! I'm an avid Netflixer...

  10. You're a Virgo, too? I'm went on and on and I do that as well. Think an inability to shut up is a trait of the sign? LOL! Great feast! Thank you for stopping by! *smiles*

  11. You reminded me that I need to start doing Pilates again...once I get over this flu.

  12. I'm impressed with your dessert and you appetizer cracks me up!
    Have a great weekend...

  13. The English Patient would put anyone to sleep. I prefer to watch movies in my pj's at home.

  14. My dad likes things to be so perfect, that when I was a kid & wanted to indicate to him that I was upset with him for some reason, as I would walk past his desk on my way to my room, I would move something a fraction of an inch. He always knew too. ;-)

  15. yogalates sound like fun!! what a great feast this week--have a pleasant weekend.

  16. I wish I was picker about my house, it might look better more often. Great feast.

  17. Good feast! I would have fallen asleep during the English Patient. I thought that movie would never end.

  18. Yoga-lates? that sounds cool! I can't do regular yoga for the same reason that you can't go to the movies... I fall asleep! Thanks for visiting!

  19. Ooh goodness, we are both cut from the same cloth, as far as pickiness or "particular-ness" goes. I'm very particular about tons of things :)

    Hope you had a great weekend!
