Wednesday, February 21, 2007

new space...

I couldn't get on earlier so I thought I'd post now. Here's a shot of my horrible temporary basement space. This is why I'm not scrapping, LOL! I stamped last night and had missed images on the big background stamps. My table is warped from being overloaded with supplies all this time!!


  1. Oh, I know how it is to have a crazy scrap space! My scrap stuff is in our linen closet right now because I had to pack it up to put my son in his own room. Good luck!

  2. How long are you going to be in the basement? if it's long enough, you might as well make yourself comfortable....maybe clean out your stuff so you have less to move back?

  3. Is it possible to get any scrapping done there? Maybe if you scrap a little, it will lift your spirits (I know, easier said than done!).
