Monday, February 19, 2007

More woes...

Ok, so I decided to pack it all up last night and relocate to the basement. What a mess!! I wish I had a pedometer! I've been up and down and up and down.

Today we had the wood delivered so my dh and I had to bring it all in the house since it's about 8 outside. We have boxes of wood everywhere! I was shaky when we were finished.

I've been taking small items like plants, small tables, etc. and bringing them upstairs so up and down and up and down I go again!

I finally decided to take a break. I'm wiped.

The tile floor is now sealed and my dh said he'd temporarily put the washer/dryer back so that I can do some laundry. I have piles!!!!!!!!!

I'm waiting on my day off for the damn installer!!!!! Have not heard a word. We will also get a dumpster delivered this afternoon. So much for the stamping invite! I was supposed to go over a new friend's house (teaching asst. at univ.). Anyway, I thought I'd try to make some sense of the mess down here to see if I can possibly make a card or scrap.


  1. Ooh, lots of progress! Tile is done and sealed and the wood delivered, that's all huge steps :)
