Sunday, February 18, 2007


Ok, it just gets better and better. I'm seriously keeping my fingers crossed for an installer on the microwave tomorrow. I still haven't heard back.

The technician came to check out the issue (not mentioned previously) with the oven door. Bottom line, I called Best Buy to say that it's not acceptable for them to give me a new door. I want a new stove altogether. So....they tried to set up delivery for a Sat. to accommodate us. This Sat. we will be away!! now it's Thurs. 2/22 and if they call the night before with an incovenient time, we'll say that we are available on Tues.

Good news is the toilet is back where it belongs. The washer and dryer are still in the kitchen until Mon. or Tues. and the laundry is piling up!!!!!!!!!!

I have such an exciting personal day planned on Tues., 2/27. Let me tell you about it. First I may have Best Buy, then an 11:50 dentist to have crown prep done (from cracking my tooth on a no nut brownie). Then I have to pick G up at school and take him to the gum specialist. Then I have to drop him back off and go to another town for a mammogram. Oh joy, can't wait! ;-)

My boys had a great time snowmobiling yesterday. They got some dad/son male bonding time in and it was good. I went shopping with my mom and then I made about 5 cards. One is for an upcoming swap so I'm trying to get it right!

I'm hoping to play again in my room this afternoon or tonight. I get the pleasure of packing it all up soon so they can install the hardwood floors. What am I going to do?!! I think I need a temporary bag so I can scrap/stamp while they are getting the floors done. Enough rambling for today!

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