Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My little girl...

I know most of you are on Facebook and have seen these, but I thought I'd post for the non-FBers.

My first grandchild was born today at 9:23 a.m. Her name is Cadence and she weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. 19 inches long. She's a little peanut! We just got back from the hospital. I held her for a long time and just stared. She's adorable. She has my son's eyes and cute little nose and her mom's gorgeous lips - not that I'm partial or anything!! LOL She's a little marked up right now. Can't wait until she comes home on Friday!


  1. OMG!!! She is GORGEOUS! CONGRATULATIONS. I am so happy for you. Let the spoiling begin....Grandma....

  2. Truly stunning!!!

    Congrats NANA!~

  3. Saw these on Facebook, but still... she's beautiful Michelle! Just perfect :)

  4. Oh Michelle she is sooo beautiful!! I am so glad that everyone came through with no problems and she is perfect! I bet she smells so good (I love the way babies smell). How wonderful you are so close so you can see and hold her any time you want. Take lots of pictures, as you know they change so quickly!

  5. Beautiful little girl! Congratulations to your family and I hope Mom is doing well too.

    Enjoy being a Nana!

    I love the picture with you and her!

  6. I can just see it!!! you are going to spoil her and dress her up many times a day... lol ... enjoy nana! :-)

  7. What a beautiful baby! Congrats and enjoy!!!

  8. She is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!

  9. Such a beautiful baby girl! Hope Mom and baby are doing well!
