Sunday, August 08, 2010

Chicken on you...

I have to apologize once again, I don't have the source of this cute chicken on my home computer but I'm pretty sure it's Back to Paper. I made it for a friend who is dealing with family issues after losing her mom. **Ok, now I feel really stupid. I just realized it's not a chicken, it's a goose!! I guess I don't know my farm animals very well.

What a gorgeous day out today! We had breakfast on the deck and I sat in the sun to work on my tan (bad, I know). I was sweating when I came back in!
There's a gorgeous breeze and it's nice and dry out, but man that son is hot!!! I need to clean so I can get out to the pool. Hopefully it'll warm up between now and then. It's only 70!!!


  1. This is such a cute duck!! Enjoy the weather! I am..

  2. So cute!

    Glad you are enjoying the weather and getting your Vitamin D (think of it that way!)

  3. That is a cute card and I kind of thought duck when I first saw it but I'll go with goose :) Nice colors, especially the yellow.

  4. It looks like a chicken to me! Love the yellows, so bright and cheerful :)

    Breakfast on the deck, I can't imagine. It's been about 80 overnight here, and by 10 AM, the heat indexes are near 100. I am wishing for fall and winter to come soon!

    Hope you're enjoying your pool, I'm quite jealous!
