Wednesday, September 16, 2009

They say it's your....

I have a BIG birthday coming up and I'm not too happy about it! I'm calling it the "f" word and it's not forty!! I may not even have time to celebrate. It's so weird that we make a big deal out of birthdays in my family but we didn't do much for my husbands "f" birthday. That was because he wasn't feeling well for about 6 mos. I told him I do NOT want a party under any circumstances. I'd like a nice dinner and cake with my boys, dh and mom. And if the "girls" want to take me to dinner, that'd be fine too. The girls are my mom's sisters. They are between 50 and 75 and we all get along well so they call me their sister too. We've also talked about a cruise in Feb. since we never celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary the right way. So... enough rambling. I will hopefully be back soon.

Any guesses on the date?


  1. I'm guessing the 20th??
    Mine is coming up also on the 19th and i think ours were pretty close together.
    I hope you do something fun on your day!!

  2. I will say the 30th. I am halfway there. I think a nice quiet non party birthday is a great way to ease yourself into this new phase. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog..Happy Birthday.

  3. advance HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! are you still in the same address ? ;-)

  4. I know you'll just be 29 again, what's with the "f" stuff?! I say celebrate any way you want. :) Parties, family, quiet family dinner, lots of fattening foods, things that make you happy, whatever!

    Oh, and like I love to say, it's better turning a year older than the other alternative! :)

  5. Happy Birthday Michelle! Mine is tomorrow and I am pretty sure we are not the same day!
