Thursday, September 17, 2009

A pleasant experience...

Well, maybe pleasant isn't the right word but...I took my mom in for gall bladder surgery today. First off, all medical professionals look at her chart and then back at her and at the chart again. They can't believe she's 70!

Anyway, I was prepared with a book and a few magazines. I sat in the waiting room for about half hour while they got her ready. I read a Real Simple issue that was in the waiting room. Went in and kept her busy until they wheeled her off to the OR. Ran up to Bob's and got some shoes for work and then ran home to grab a quick sandwich because I felt shaky. The dr. called on my way back and said she was through the surgery and to come back in an hour. I was shocked it was so fast. I am so impressed with everyone at the hospital. They were great! I will have to switch when I move to NH.

My mom is still up and walking around. She hasn't taken any pain meds, just Tylenol. It seems like it was a breeze but I'm holding out to see how she feels in the a.m.

p.s. Never got to finish my book or magazines!! That's a good thing.
p.p.s. Becky is pretty close. Stacy you're right but I'll be 49 from now on. ;-) Marianne, I haven't moved ... not for a few weeks.


  1. So glad she's doing well! I think even just a decade or so ago, a gall bladder surgery was a medium sized deal and required at least an overnight stay, maybe? Amazing that they can do it so quickly and minimally. So glad for your mom and hope she's continuing to heal and feel good. She's a trooper, huh?!

    Hope you guys have a great day and weekend :)

  2. Michelle I am so glad that the surgery was successful and quick for your mom. I hope her recovery is very fast and painless for her. It is hard to believe that it was day surgery, glad for her though. Please let us know how she is doing.
