Monday, December 01, 2008

Yay for me....

I won, I won! I've been pretty lucky at blog candy this past year! I won again here. It's an adorable altered bandaid box. I will use it to tuck my sb related receipts in. Katie is very talented and has lots to offer in her ebay store. You can check out the blog and my prize in the link above.


  1. Congratulations! Now I need some of your luck to rub off on me! :)

  2. Congratulations !!! I love Katie's handmade stuff so I'm pretty jealous ;-) hehe ...

    Did you leave a comment at Shimmerz ?

  3. Yea! I am so jealous. Enjoy the goodies!

  4. Hooray, hooray, hooray! Congratulations! You deserve it and enjoy your new treasures!

  5. Enjoy your goodies, guess you have to play to win!
