Monday, December 01, 2008

Chitter chatter....

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was very nice but quiet.

I didn't get many cards done over the weekend. I did pick up my ribbon from the lss and tied ribbons on about 10 cards. I need to seriously get motivated and moving ahead. I stamped with a friend but I didn't get much accomplished - maybe two or three cards and several images.

One thing I really need to do is take a hiatus from Facebook games at night. I'm addicted! And I have a bunch of open games (dh & several friends) so I feel obligated to play. I will have to limit myself from now until I get my cards done.

We had our first snow yesterday. It was wet and icy. The temps went up and it turned to rain. What a mess! I love the first snow if it's nice and powdery white. Well, that's enough rambling. I need to find some subjects before I bore you all to tears.


  1. Wow, snow? Send some over here-the boys are dying to see some snow.

    Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Cannot believe we are in the home stretch of this year!

  2. Glad you had a good Thanksgivig.

    Although I don't make my cards, I do write at least a paragraph in all of them, so I am looking forward to playing my Christmas music and writing out the cards-although I probably won't start until the weekend.
