Wednesday, November 05, 2008

No cards to post....

I got a few things accomplished last night. I made two Christmas cards and started to figure out what SU papers I need to order so that I get going.

I feel like time is running out! I don't plan on making my normal 80-90 cards. I don't want to stress that much. I will try to keep it at 30-50, depending on how they move along. I'll buy the rest and then agonize over who won't notice the store bought card! LOL

How many cards do you send out for Christmas? If you make them, how many?


  1. I don't make Christmas cards. Heck, I don't make any cards, I'm not that creative or smart :) I buy store-bought cards the day after Christmas on half price sale and put them up for the next year (I am, obviously, cheap!). We send out about 40-50 a year, we've really cut back in the last few years :)

  2. Just fyi- I'll notice if you send me a store bought christmas card!!!!

  3. OK, don't faint, I don't make Christmas Cards either...most of my family/friends don't appreciate the time it takes to make them, so I just don't bother.
