Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Messy desk.....

I tried and I tried to come up with a Christmas design but all I got was one big messy desk!!! I must have used this tree stamp at least six different ways but nothing said, "AHA!" to me. I was way too tired to do anything with the mess last night.


  1. I absolutely feel your pain! LOL...

  2. messy means busy and in some cases, busy is good. ;-) Don't worry ... you'll find the right touch.

    HEY!, thank you so much for the beautiful birthday card !!! IT IS SO LOVELY and I love the colors and the bling ... so perfect !!! THANKS A LOT !! you really made my birth day into a week. take care !

  3. That ain't messy. I dare not take a picture of mine to show you. Or what used to be mine and is now covered with the hubby's stuff, since my scraproom is also our office where he works fulltime from home. It used to be my space, but I can't find it now :)

  4. I can't function with a messy dess, and usually have to take a week to recover :)

  5. You think that is messy. Oh boy, you should see my ROOM right now. I can't even see my table. arrgghh...
