Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rotten rodents....

There was a scratching noise coming from my hood this morning. I waited until dh got up because I wasn't sure if I should bang on the hood or start the car. He checked it out and couldn't find the scratcher but he did find a bunch of acorns in my air filter! I was wondering if it was a chipmunk but now I'm not sure.

I should go back to a few weeks ago when he had his car serviced. They found a huge mouse nest in his air filter which was not allowing air to go through to his car. Would you believe his gas mileage has improved tremendously since it's been removed?

So anyway, not sure if I killed the little bugger when my car started but dh decided to check my mom's car too. She had a nest in her air filter and he even caught the mouse trying to run back in. He said it was a decent sized mouse.

Do mice eat acorns? This could be the reason we have none in the back yard this year. We have a ton of squirrels and chipmunks but it's so strange that we have no acorns. We usually have to rake up piles and piles of them!


  1. Mice'll eat darn near anything! LOL...I feel for ya...I really really feel for ya!

  2. eeks! mice with nests ... eww ...
    but I love the mouse on your cards though.

    Nature is amazing though, imagine how they adapted to the weather and the food available. ;-)

  3. We have tons of acorns, but I have no idea if mice eat them. I hope not. We've had mice up under our wooden deck in the back yard, and I know in the winter, we have heard them up in the attic. Nasty, horrible creatures. I get my husband to put out traps and he takes care of them. Yuck, they gross me out. I don't think I've ever seen a nest and I definitely don't want to!

  4. I know how you feel, went to Jiffy lube on sunday, and they found a dead mouse, my car feels so much faster! Not sure what they eat but they seem to like boxes in our garage
