Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another WS card....

Here's a quick card I made for a male friend of ours. This is a Whipper Snapper stamp. I'm really loving unmounted stamps, by the way! I do prefer rubber over clear but I hate that they take up too much room. Some day I may have to unmount mine.

I don't remember who makes the printed paper but I've had it for a couple of years. I colored in with gamsol & prismas again. The sentiment is a clear set I got on clearance at Mike's. The green paper is SU (old olive, I think) and the orange may or may not be. The blue cs is Bazzill. Sorry for the sketchy details!

p.s. Got one of those little critters last night in the garage! I wonder how many are left


  1. That Koala is a Q-T!! and PS- I despise mice. We have only ever seen one in this was over a year was outside in the dogs food, and I have NEVER forgotten about it. Especially since we never caught it!!! Hopefully he is LONG gone. (and now we keep our dog food in a plastic container with a lid that seals, LOL!)

  2. Another great card! Yeah on the critter, hope you get them ALL!

  3. Great Card! Makes me want to come over and join the party...Its a long way to Mass from Va though. Love the mouse story.

  4. very nice combo! great job!
