Thursday, October 30, 2008

One of the surprises....

This was put in a package to a friend. I don't think she reads blogs so I'm safe...or I hope so anyway!

This was one of my recent Whipper Snapper purchases. I'm loving my unmounted stamps! I colored with Prisma & Gamsol. (Yes, Maia, you are a Gamsol in distress! LOL).

p.s. Linda, does the paper look familiar? ;-)


  1. Wow, what a lovely card and I am so happy that you are getting good use from the paper! Your recipient will be delighted.

  2. Great card! I love how you shaded the coloring of the bucket/pot. I usually just color in everywhere.

    LOL! This gamsol will hopefully de-stress soon. :-) Happy Halloween!
